6th of Noviembre of 2012
The Mexican Guadalajara-Colima motorway, administered and supervised by Ineco, now has new agents in charge of the operation, maintenance and remodelling of the road.  Banobras (Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos de México) has awarded these jobs to two business consortiums, which will be co-ordinated by Ineco, as contract administrator for the Mexican company.   Also, Ineco, along with its partners in the contract, has supported Banobras throughout the bidding process, fr ... (+info)
10th of Febrero of 2011
Banobras (Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios de México) has awarded Ineco the contract for technical management and supervision of the stretch of highway between the cities of Guadalajara and Colima. The contract was signed on Friday by our CEO, Ignasi Nieto. This is an ambitious road project which brings the model of the first generation of motorways in Spain to the Latin American country. The project includes two differentiated phases: the first will include all consulting and technical as ... (+info)
2nd of Marzo of 2010
The Chairman of Ineco Tifsa, Fernando Palao, and the General Manager of Banobras, Alonso García Tamés, have signed a collaboration framework agreement as part of the Mexico Infrastructure Conference 2010 to develop Mexico's transport infrastructures. Through this agreement, Ineco and the Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos, the banking institution of the Mexican Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit have established the bases for working together on transport infrastructure initia ... (+info)
6 de Noviembre de 2012
La autopista mexicana Guadalajara-Colima, administrada y supervisada por Ineco, cuenta ya con nuevos agentes encargados de la operación, el mantenimiento y la rehabilitación de la vía. Banobras (Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos de México) ha adjudi ... (+info)
2 de Marzo de 2010
El presidente de Ineco Tifsa, Fernando Palao, y el director general de Banobras, Alonso García Tamés, han firmado un convenio marco de colaboración, enmarcado en la Conferencia de Infraestructura de México 2010, para desarrollar las infraestructuras del transporte en este país. Ineco y el Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos, una institución de banca perteneciente a la Secretaría de Haicenda y Crédito Público de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos, han establecido, a través de este acuerdo, ... (+info)