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Provision of shared services to entities of the Central Government
Support provided to the General Secretariat for Digital Administration, in the provision of shared services in the area of communications

50 technical staff 

64 entities dependent on 12 Ministries

125,000 internal users

2.18 billion page visits per year

Since 2016, Ineco has been providing support to the General Secretariat for Digital Administration to advance some of the strategic information and communication technology (ICT) projects planned in the Commission for the Reform of Public Administrations (CORA).

To fulfil the calendar for the adoption of shared services, the main activity has been focused on supporting the management of the unified telecommunications service of the Central Government, on the participation in the drafting of the specifications for phase two, level 2 support, data centre operating service and management of contracting requirements and orienting them towards shared services.

Información técnica
Ubicación: Spain
Cliente: General Secretariat for Digital Administration
Periodo de ejecución: 2016 to present
Mercado: Digitalisation

Principal actions

In terms of the management of a unified telecommunications service of the Central Government, Ineco is providing support for the monitoring of the voice and data communications network in the national and international areas, and for the integration and management of mobile communications services, support for the management of the LAN in the data centres that participate in the service, and for the administration of video-conference and web-conference systems.

It also collaborated on the drafting of the terms and conditions of the Centralized Telecommunications Contract in phase II, with support for the revision of the text from phase I and identification of points for improvement, and support for the proposal of the drafting of requirements and the consolidation of information from participating ministries and entities.

In addition, the level 2 support service for shared services allows the management of tickets and requests, user management and service level monitoring tasks of that contract.

The data centre operation service consists of the execution of production rollout tasks for new hardware, internal movements and transfers between different physical locations of the Data Centre, through a technical production rollout office, coordination with the rest of the ICT units of the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Public Function, and monitoring of its consolidation at the ministry level.

Lastly, the main purpose of the management of the requirements of the contracting system is to analyse, classify, and model its requirements to orient it towards a shared service.