

Monitoring of the Innovation Plan for Transport and Infrastructure 2018-2020

Ineco today hosted the second meeting of the Monitoring Committee of the Innovation Plan for Transport and Infrastructure 2018-2020. In it, Committee members assess the progress of the 70 PINTI initiatives to ensure that the objectives of the Plan are achieved and identify possible improvements. Adif, Aena, Crida, Enaire, Ineco, Ministry of Public Works, State Ports, Renfe and Sasemar are represented in this body to ensure the coherence and complementarity of the initiatives of the Group. The meeting also served as the inauguration of Ineco's new TechTerritory space. Conceived as an exhibition centre for clients and partners, the hall is equipped with all the technological requirements to house the company's Innovation Hub, as well as hosting our Cityneco model.

Awards (49)
Corporative (261)
Events (124)
Innovation (29)
Meetings (96)
Projects (189)