

RuralTIC takes off: digital transformation to break down barriers

Corporate Social Responsibility

A new stage begins for seven professionals of our organization: today they start their journey as digital nomads of our pioneering RuralTIC program.

Rivadedeva, in Asturias, San Emiliano and Carrizo, in León, and Orcera, in Jaén, are the four municipalities that are launching this collaborative model that aims to contribute to the social and economic digitalisation of the society living in rural environments, breaking down the barriers that keep them away from new technologies.

Objectives that will be achieved, on the one hand, thanks to training workshops and support in the use of new technologies to rural inhabitants, with special focus on the elderly population, and on the other hand, advising the rural business network, positioning it and improving its web services, as well as implementing a strategy in social networks or designing specific apps to optimize the activity. Ineco currently has more than 700 profiles with high knowledge in the application of new technologies and artificial intelligence.

Our team of volunteers will have the opportunity to share, during the next two weeks, experiences with the people of their respective host municipalities and transfer their knowledge in the digital environment.

You can learn more about our volunteers in this video.

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