

New Research Chair in Transport Economics sponsored by Ineco Tifsa.


Ineco Tifsa presents an agreement with the UPM (Polytechnic University of Madrid) for the creation of a Research Chair in Transport Economics.

Ineco Tifsa General Manager Antonio Monfort and Polytechnic University of Madrid Rector Magnificus Javier Uceda Antolín have presented an Agreement to sponsor the creation of a Research Chair in Transport Economics in the Department of Civil Engineering-Transport at the Civil Engineering College of the Polytechnic University of Madrid.

The Chair organises different activities, such as Sponsorship for the development of doctoral dissertations in the field of Transport System Economics and Planning through a doctoral grant, the promotion of related training for researchers and teachers, granting of scholarships to Civil Engineering College students for carrying out final year projects at Ineco Tifsa or the organisation of a biennial Conference on Chair-related topics.

Ineco Tifsa will donate €50,000 annually to the Chair, which will have a Supervising Committee formed by members from both organisations. This action is part of the activities carried out by Aula Carlos Roa.

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